Favorite Moments: Fire 1723

Nathrach successfully acquiring me electricity for the surgeon’s light and proceeding to be as pleased as a kid on Christmas every time I used that sucker

Pleasant, Nathrach and I talking about the date auction for Radumil. Pleasant discusses how he really wants to do drugs with the Governor’s Husband.
Pleasant: Might go up to a hundred ducats for my bid
Me, laughing: go for it
Not fifteen seconds later
Pleasant: I will stop bidding if you pay me three ducats
Me: no, this is fun :3

Nathrach: huh. The [real] heart doesn’t look like the heart shape people make.
Me: I know! That’s why I made that necklace with the anatomical heart.
Nathrach: But why is the heart this then? [gestures <3 with hands]
Me, feeling vindicated in my eternal confusion: I don’t know and no one will tell me!

Being on dinner prep was legit a lot of fun!

The sheer amount of tasty drinks and snacks players made this event was fantastic, too

The “fuck this we’re leaving” response to seeing two giant eyes of the goat sucker staring at us from the hospital - only correct use of limited instantaneous surgery skill

complimenting people while they were critical’ed and having surgery done on them, and then going, “wait, no, I need to remember to say that when you’re awake.

“pitball” fan club and reading materials - can’t wait for next gather’s meeting!

cabbage ball? ultimate cabbage toss? Idk what we’re calling it but everything about it was great and I demand we make it a full fleged PK sport.


In no particular order

The tag on the bomb Petra got for the bloodworm mod made me crack up. Apparently being Petra is a Skill.

The World’s Worst Interrogation, By Nathrack.

Cheese Heist was delightfully silly

Walking outside to the hospital because Llewin was in surgery and looking down the hill to see two dinner plate sized eyes looking at us and going “fuck no”

Trying to get to the Murder Shack to avoid the EMP(i assume thats what it was) with Jules. We did not make it.

Talking with Anna about what a date is.

Getting Rukiye a Date with Panther. That was absolutely worth every ducat just to see the look on Rukiye’s face when she saw the name on the paper.

Foxmaker stuff continues to be absolutely horrifying in game. love it.


Dinner prep was a definite highlight. 11/10 would prep again.


There are TOO MANY but these are the ones that stick out right now/got written down in my notes during game.

-Being thrown into a boxing ring that I absolutely was not supposed to be in.
-Tricking a McHenry navy woman in a raid to thinking I was on her side, then knocking her out.
-Wedding! Mommy! Boat!
-Getting Shattered a few times and experiencing the fruits of my hubris.
-Co-leading my first Choir ceremony! Helping guide the new Initiates along the path! [HEAVILY REDACTED]
-Comforting Avy through Rhett’s surgery post spider fight, finding out he got out with no complications, then punching him in his pretty boy jaw.
-Getting caught up with Livewell was a surreal experience, Pat’s roleplay is so good.
-The battle against summer was great and cheering on the duels was intense.
-Pitball practice with the Krakens, shouting animal noises and Isaac’s last minute comeback victory during one of the rounds.
-Being elected to town council again, happy as ever to serve.
-Landing the final blow on the Earth Elemental! The credit for killing it for real lies with others who loosened that pickle jar, but finally killing something intimidating with a handful of aether was fun.
-Catching the tail end of Prosperity’s trial that I was supposed to be there the whole time for.
Isaac: “Sorry I’m late, I was being eaten by Bloodworms.”
Ducky: "Motion to defer this case until you have had ample time to digest the evidence.
Isaac: “Motion to use a different word than Digest, please.”
-Daphne’s wedding gift during the revenant fight. The gift itself and the scene was all intense, amazing, immersive, and frightening. It flipped me on my head for the weekend in the best ways.
-Receiving a game tag that says “Only open if you are Isaac.”
-PROFESSOR VAN DAALEN. All of it. Incredible, I can’t wait to do more fast science. The 3 NPCs had such a dynamic with each other, and the combo of them bossing me around, Marc asking me rapid fire ridiculous questions about aether, Jessie speaking faster than I could keep up about proper science procedure with the Prof, and Evy’s “you asked for this” grin while stressing the important of informed consent in test subjects, all was overwhelming and hilarious and horrifying.
-Thaddeus’ absolutely shredded abs.
-Monty in a box.
-Fighting McHenry’s forces, a fantastic and immersive battle.
-Going to surgery, followed by suddenly not needing surgery, followed by complicated feelings.
-Aether Crossed Lovers and [REDACTED].
-Depressing conversation after depressing conversation [OOG: Positive].


when bertrand and i were getting ready to go up to bed friday and a cultist of Murderin Steve materialized out of the woods, whacked bertrand over the head and shot me pointblank - what a button on the evening

thaddeus comforts me in my grief over ffion both with serious comments and by offering his annotated copy of the taming of the pru; combo touching moment and laughing way too hard

every moment of “the person you love is in surgery so you should hold their hand; it works just like Slaine’s little plague doctor dolls and also will stop you from pacing/running away/working yourself into an anxious lather” and yes that goes for me too

Wedding Dance on the lawn with live music - thanks to all who came to that and to the musicians for absolutely hitting it out of the park with both selection and skill!!
but also
I’ve just called an end to the dance because i laughed until i couldn’t breathe, and Rukiye reminds Bertrand that tea is scheduled for 3
B: what time is it
me: 2:30
B: Guess we’d better go start prep for that. No rest for the wicked, huh?
its the absolute servant vibes for me

a lot of little soft moments (you know who you are)

every person who asked for advice and had me trying to explain feelings. What does dating mean? how do you trust people? how do you know if you like someone? its the big questions

oops I’m a “Herald of Ffion” now I’m sure this will be completely fine and have no problematic effects in town


I hope they got the point that calling us heralds was a bad thing.


@girlinbrown, @Tisto_Kingang would you prefer beloved chosen?


Issacs Wedding!
5th Time getting a wrench thrown at me by those mecha-Revenant-things
Choir Meeting and having the Aspirants continue on their path.
A very well timed talk with the Prioress.
Knowing what it feels like to rock 1 max vitality.
I think Prudence and ZED have started a new tradition of explaining to eachother what stupid shit they might have done between festivals.
Being a part of beating those snooty University Thaumaturgy students with our state of the art Thaumatological blasters. pew pew
Hitting a milestone for ZED and getting to actually help via [redacted].
Pitball and seeing Kovatch just BOLT up to the pit we wanted, I swear he made it all the way up the hill in less than a minute.
Pitball animal noise game.
Playing the floor is lava for an hour.

I will post more as I remember specific moments.


Out of character defense, was sleep deprived* and should have thought of a plan in advance and didn’t.

However more out of character and in character I think it makes perfect sense that Nathrach has no idea how to do an interrogation and fails miserably at it.

Also being Petra is definitely a skill.

*I definitely do not recommend starting game with no sleep.


Let’s see in no particular order…

  • Choir meeting and getting to lead part of it
  • Haley agreeing to go back out as a corpse for a lesson on Sunday after the big fight (and also announcing blood spurts occuring)
  • Being guarded and asked what I was carrying as I carried “life force” towards the hospital
  • Feeling guilty about police work
  • The cabbage version of Ultimate Disc and the false start after everyone got infinite trips for the game but before everyone understood that was a foul
  • Solemn moments at graveyard
  • Changes to gravestones meaning they stood up entire weekend
  • Stating confidently that the liver is not an organ because their are separate lessons for extracting organs vs extracting livers

“Alive and sane?”


I love this tradition and ZED’s is always so much worse so it really enables Pru to feel okay about her choices. Thanks :slight_smile:


Watching Pru melt down talking to Jocelyn about the Moon.

Talking about old secrets on the beach, and getting a hug and being told it doesn’t matter.

Finding out Haru likes me enough now to vote for me for Town Council.

Talking about [redacted] at the hospital, and being told he has my back if I need him.


Alive AND sane!


Asking half the town about love and getting either wonderful heartfelt advice about communication or deeply terrible advice (with nothing in between). Too many examples to be specific, but I’m still internally cracking up about Slaine’s peer-reviewed “Well, medically, love and fear are the same thing” speech.

The Choir meeting speeches, and Nathrach finding everyone later so we could contribute charms to the wedding gift.

Dueling LilyDean’s Summer fae and having the Spearpoint yell encouragement, then getting healed by them after I went down.

Gossiping with Enoch/Ori/Etorre to try to distract ourselves from the horrifying fox plot happening next to us.

Having Rukiye slowly shift from “Great job, you’re a credit to the Alize” to “I am going to murder you” over the course of the event.


Alright cracks knuckles here we go. There’s alot folks I was fuckin busy this event in part to my own dumb romance shenanigan’s. I know I somehow still missed things.

  • Distributing all the envelopes to everyone Friday night for my Saturday scavenger hunt shenanigan’s for Avy was amazing. Especially as people started to understand what was happening and that they could make their own teasing/roleplay moments out of the letter hand off.
  • Isaac’s Bachelor party and watching him try boxing for the first time. Priceless. (Specific shout out to the crunchy that busted in and immediately shot me in the back without remorse. We definitely made eye contact and I had a delayed “oh shit I’ve been shot in the back” moment before I crumpled. Thank you for that moment)
  • Hearing about all of the intricate pieces and parts of the gold eye curse and how it related to F.I.S.H. and he of many arms. Feeling relatively terrified about how all of it seems to be coming together into one monstrous thing. Then accidentally talking to Isaacs ghost mom about sailing and having to drag her into the conversation because she witnessed a kraken and aether whale fight 23 years ago.
  • “Rhett we need you! The spiders are mad you ate their siblings!” Blindly walking into the big mod hall and being briefly stunned by the BEAUTIFUL scene set up and the GORGEOUS costuming on the spiders. Trying to defend ourselves, Rhett apologizing profusely for eating their siblings but barely even getting the words out before we were all sleeped, venomed and blighted and left on the ground.
  • Getting to then, mid spider fight, sprawl out dramatically across the table as Monsieur Spider picked me up and laid me out to start eating my legs. The absolute horror and dread I was filled with when Prudence offered to bring Rhett’s brother in as a trade and she brought back ELDRID. Genuinely terrified that Eldrid volunteered to just be eaten by spiders and not knowing until much later that he exploded on them all.
  • Waking up from my 7th surgery with no complications and immediately getting punched in my pretty boy face by Isaac :joy: (I should have put bruise makeup on my jaw but didn’t think about it until Sunday oops)
  • Having help finding Avy and being able to have that little moment just the two of them, while Francis and Eldrid stayed nearby because it was night time near the edge of the woods and they didn’t want us to die.
  • SSPS is ALWAYS a highlight for me. Making the announcement vagueish to keep up the secrecy and also the poems everyone shared were so good!!! Cannot wait for next time!
  • Finally seeing Avy start their scavenger hunt after reading the paper and them being absolutely furious with him for involving other people.
    Avy: “I can’t believe you! You dramatic asshole!”
    Rhett: “Why are you yelling at me? Don’t you have people and puzzle pieces you need to find?”
    Avy: “Ugh!” stomps off to go on their 10am mod
    Rhett: positively cackling with delight
  • Doing the big circle dance with Anna and Bertrand and the live music was honestly so fantastic and fun! It was nice to have some lighthearted fun in the middle of the day.
  • Complaining with some other folks about how beating us to a pulp is a shit way for the Spearpoint to congratulate us on winning a war. Also the numerous times Rhett went to walk up and do the duel only to get yelled at by several people and immediately turn on his heel and not approach.
  • Avy finishing their scavenger hunt finally and accepting the gift he got them and agreeing to finally officially be in a courtship with him. Truly a delightful little moment. Promising to take them on a date later that evening, even if it was as simple as buying them a drink and taking a walk together. (Yes I know, they’re not even engaged yet. Holy Slow Burn Batman)
  • Being outside the bloodworm mod, hearing the sounds of terror from inside the mod but not being able to go in because we were fairly certain we were at capacity.
    Vail: “I think Avy is in there too. One of the bodies-”
    Rhett: “WHAT?!?!” Immediately vibrating at the door waiting to go in, Francis literally having to hold him back to remind him not to charge in alone and that it was stupid.
  • That entire mod was such a delightful terrible time. Getting in there and pulling bodies out, only for our group to be separated badly as soon as the acid cloud came around. Ending up with it just being Captain HB and Rhett and the earth elemental until Rhett was surrounded by bloodworm and taken down. Being consumed by the bloodworm was terrible but at least I was unconscious. Realizing that I was once again, eaten by insects and critical along with Velenza in the same state for the second time that festival. :joy:
  • Being offered [Redacted] for my 8th surgery! * U * Thank you. You know who you are. Surviving my 8th surgery with a minor complication.
  • Waking up from said surgery:
    Avy: “You are the luckiest son of a bitch in the world”
    Rhett: Not really fully awake yet holding their hand. “Of course I am…I know you.”
    Anna: Loud squealing noises “That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard!!! Ahhh You are so cute!”
    Avy: Fully embarrassed, nearly literally shoves Rhett off of the surgery bench.
  • Being threatened by Sibella after surgery in a way she knows is effective.
  • Velenza saying “Oh look Rhett your dad is here,” and giving Rhett a mini heart attack thinking his REAL FATHER was there, only for it to be Haru ambling up towards them. Conversations with Haru are always really nice! Him pointing out that he had many people to look out for that cared about him and also the “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that scar” comment. That hit the heart.
  • Date with Avy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Rhett starting to ask if he could give them a kiss on the cheek, Avy interrupting to violently yank him into a full kiss and then shove him away just as fast. Rhett being on cloud 9 for the entire rest of the night pretty much.
  • MOUSE MAFIA PLOT. Oh no this seem to be getting uh…very interesting with this. Bring Vail along was the BEST choice and then offering the cat and mouse cheese to the ENTIRE town. This won’t have consequences I’m sure.
  • Being down an arm for the mechanical revenants fight was rough. Ubalt yanking Rhett out when he was pierced, keeping him seconds away from getting the follow up Coup de Grace that undoubtedly would have come. The EMP CALL WAS EPIC. SO EPIC!!! it sent shivers down my spine. (Also that ANCHOR BOFFER!!!)
  • 6 feet under and Ray the rat! Always an absolute delight. Rhett was relatively drunk by that point and having a great time with everyone watching Vaast get his ass kicked.
  • Bertrand springing the question on Rhett of whether or not he wanted the auction date that he won to be a friend date or a date date and Rhett having a moment of panic as he realized he wanted it to be an actual date and kind of blurting that out without thinking.
  • Late night serious talks with Isaac. (Why do people ask him the hard questions when he’s drunk?)
  • Cooking for the town before the fight on Sunday! (Sad the snow cone thing didn’t work out but next summer we will have that all ironed out! <3)
  • Rhett, down both of his arms, seeing a Mchenryite going after Avy. Running over to body block some of the attacks only to be overwhelmed by more of them coming up and quickly getting both of his legs maimed several feet away. Watching Avy get stabbed brutally through the chest several feet away from his and getting to scream bloody murder as it happened and start crying because he felt so helpless and useless. Of course attracting that crunchies attention only for them to come over and finish him off. Barely avoiding a third critical of the weekend on a technicality and some lovely townsfolks who came and saved me.(Thank you crunchy for being honorable <3 I do not know your name but you had the cool dad bod/father figure shirt at game off)
  • Uh, being brought to triage and mistakenly having my unconsciousness healed before my limbs resulting in my opportunity to be a dramatic as fuck.
    Rhett: Comes to and immediately starts looking around “WHERE’S AVY?!? WHERE ARE THEY? SOMEONE GO GET THEM, THEY’RE CRITICAL ON THE FRONT LINE OVER THERE! PLEASE!”
    Someone gets Avy and starts to carry them to surgery. Someone else comes over to tend me (I can barely see who with the tears in my eyes but I think Ubalt??) “No! Don’t tend me! Someone pick me up and carry me to the hospital! I don’t care about my limbs just leave me there I need to be there for their surgery!” Captain HB being amazing and volunteering to carry him over there. Thank you to everyone who let me have such a dramatic moment at the end of such a hard fight.
  • Being even more dramatic at the hospital and Avy thankfully surviving surgery so I didn’t have to lose it more than I already had been. Also Anna making Rhett stop pacing to come back over and hold their hand while surgery finished up. (Also Czeslawa doing a great job at their surgery and calmly responding to Rhett’s blind panic <3)

Watching Wymer’s expression change from “This man is asking me to commit treason” to “This man is borderline offering to commit treason” to “Kithrian’s are crazy and I love that for them” while Jakob tried to convince him to tell us about any possible remaining hidden caches of Tiyagan cannonballs to use against McHenry’s forces. That was just a fun little roleplay scene all around, any any single part of it taken out of context would probably see us both hanged


Oh SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT ULTIMATE CABBAGE! Best game ever! 10/10 I would absolutely fucking play that game again.


Single favorite moment was late Friday before Wymer was leaving to fulfil his parole obligations, someone mentioned [paraphrased]:

“I heard that you were sent here because you’re good at talking, but not so great at fighting.”

And suddenly I as Wymer am losing my mind:

“Who said I can’t fight? I demand to know! Just because I no longer have to scrap for my supper doesn’t mean I can’t!”

And then I went back to staff center in a laughing huff because honestly, that may be the funniest moment Wymer has had other than having pastry thrown at him in Spring.

More broadly, I had some excellent moments (mostly as Wymer) this event and I’m sad he’ll be off screen for a while.

Getting to die as the cowardly McHenry tip-toeing away from the battle to try and get to the docks was also very fun. And the subsequent really heartfelt anger and grief that I got to be a dying corpse for was really moving. Thank you to those PCs.


“for a while.”

Wymer will be back confirmed [not confirmed]